In a startup, as in any adventure, one needs to raise one’s head toward the horizon once in a while to ensure that one is still headed in the right direction. Well-run companies typically hold quarterly executive off-sites, and at least once per year, the product road map is refreshed. This is the perfect impetus […]

The magic moment for which you have been working for so long has finally arrived: Usage of the product is accelerating — the company is taking off!

Step 5: Will my tech stack scale? Choosing a tech stack is a commitment that’s not easily reversed, so concerns related to future circumstances like scalability and performance are common. However, trying to address these concerns at the MVP stage would be premature. Many performance issues are a product of application design, not technology choice. […]

4. Consider the landscape of tools in your industry One of the keys to a successful MVP is reducing time to market. Capitalizing on existing tools can dramatically reduce the scope of work and effort required to launch your product. When selecting a programming language and other back-end technologies, first identify the best open source […]

3. Who is going to build this thing? Shortage of engineering talent is a major challenge for early stage startups. As a result, the availability of engineering team members will play a role in determining the right tech stack for your company. Certain tech stacks attract different types of candidates and will influence your company […]
Technical Debt comes from multiple sources, not just from code written too quickly, but also from natural causes such as a UX paradigm that becomes dated, or an architecture that can no longer support traffic that has grown 10x since its design. This whitepaper examines the various origins of technical debt, presents how to analyze […]

The success of a venture-backed company usually depends on two main factors: its technical innovation and the velocity with which it introduces new products. In order to sustain these competitive advantages throughout their growth, companies must ensure that the delicate relationship between the CEO and the CTO is effective.

Finding the best fit… There are some exciting new technology options that can push your business to the forefront of innovation. But how do you know which technology is the most valuable fit? One technology which has been receiving a great deal of consideration and attention by companies are chatbots. Chatbot technology in sum can be compared […]

Last year, the global consulting market was worth more than $250 billion, with one company alone making $37 billion. Some companies shy away from pulling on consultancies, reasoning that they should be able to solve their problems internally or that consultants will have conflicts of interest that won’t play out in their favor. But the continued rate […]

Velocity Wins “Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything.” We’ve all heard this quote more than once: in seminars, board rooms, even on television. This is in part, I surmise, because it is particularly relevant to the fast-moving, dynamic world of entrepreneurs, ie.. Silicon Valley. We regularly read about several startups with virtually the same idea […]