In this article, we discuss the importance of preparing your data for Artificial Intelligence (AI) during digital transformations and how it can be used to increase revenue.

…designing and building a new architecture is a lengthy and costly project, let us avoid doing this in the future by future-proofing the architecture. This seems like a logical and benign request… Unfortunately, it is a mistake: it breaks one of the fundamental principles of…

90% of the US economy is still offline. Comparing MMEs to Silicon Valley, we discuss the value that could be created by digitizing this market.

Only 10% of the US economy has been digitized, and the digital divide between industry laggards like health care and leaders like retail is nearly 12 points. Digital disruption is still in its early stages.

When the technology team does not deliver, the consequences for the business are painful: customers are disappointed, competition edges ahead and businesses are unable to capture the demand that their marketing has generated.

Bernard Fraenkel explains why sustaining high growth requires a different playbook than traditional growth expectations.

Having performed technical due diligence reviews across a variety of industries and company sizes for Venture Capital, Private Equity and M&A deals, has allowed SVSG to empirically identify patterns, which Bernard Fraenkel shares on Forbes in a series of articles for the benefit of founders, CEOs, CTOs, investors and acquirers. In this first article in […]

Technical due diligence should provide actionable information about the upcoming 24 months, including critical dependencies, risk factors and major technical milestones that will usher in product milestones. To read more, please see Bernard’s piece on Forbes.com Image credit: GETTY

CTO’s know when the current code base is too old: it takes forever to get new features out, response time for end-users is slow, tools are outdated, etc. Yet these issues may barely trigger raised eyebrow from your CEO. Here’s helpful advice from SVSG CTO and Practice Lead Bernard Fraenkel on how to get your point across: […]

McKinsey’s recent survey, “The state of AI in 2020”, shows that AI adoption at scale remains limited to a few industry sectors and a limited set of business functions. This article is the first in a series that details instances of companies both large and small applying AI to solve real-world problems: how they recognized […]