A number of our engagements come from clients who experience a similar pattern of symptoms: release velocity is trending down, critical bugs pop up with each release, yet hiring more developers does not seem to improve anything. In parallel, the digital imperative, which has gained momentum over the past couple of years, whether imposed by the pandemic, or simply overall evolution, keeps building the pressure: consumers require a flawless digital experience. When the technology team does not deliver, the consequences for the business are painful: customers are disappointed, competition edges ahead and, even more heartbreaking, our clients are unable to capture the demand that their marketing has generated.
The goal of this post is to inform both CEOs and CTOs on how to diagnose what we term the “Monolith Syndrome”. As with any condition, early diagnosis vastly improves the chances of success. It is thus critical for CEOs and CTOs to know how to recognize this pattern, and take the necessary early actions. Further, it often falls on the CEO to identify the situation, because the CTO is usually consumed in trying to just keep up.
The symptoms of what we term the “Monolith Syndrome” look like this:
The application’s response time keeps degrading;
Outages are becoming more frequent;
As outages occur, new features requests do not get delivered. Customer complaints rise;
Re-prioritization of the product roadmap occurs before the main features of the previous roadmap are delivered (because they took too long);
Distrust between the executive and the technology teams grows.
Like any challenge, each company faces its own flavor of the “Monolith Syndrome”, yet to the experienced eye, the pattern is easily recognizable. More fundamentally, it is absolutely normal: it occurs when a company has grown into a new stage of maturity – where a new way of running the business, including the technology, is now necessary. Like most living organisms, when looking on a short time horizon, companies grow incrementally. However, when taking a step back, discrete stages become evident. On the technical front, transitioning between maturity stages call for what is called a “Digital Transformation”.
The Monolith Syndrome encapsulates scenarios of pain when the technology team cannot keep up with the needs of the business through “business as usual”.
There are multiple scenarios that require a digital transformation, the Monolith Syndrome is one of them. We will explore the others in subsequent posts.
MOST digital
transformations fail.
Yours doesn’t have to.
From a technical perspective, the root causes of the “Monolith Syndrome” are often a combination of:
The architecture of the current codebase was developed more than five years ago, and has changed little since;
The code is built on a single codebase and uses a single database – hence the term “monolith”;
Development expediency has been the priority which has led to: poorly organized code, little documentation, few tests, and even fewer automated tools for QA, release and operational management;
Critical areas of functionality are implemented in “dark code”: code that was written by developers who are no longer employed by the company, and which current developers are scared to touch, because the code is difficult to understand and there is no documentation.
The Monolith Syndrome encapsulates scenarios of pain when the technology team cannot keep up with the needs of the business through “business as usual”. We described the symptoms above in technical terms. Yet, the underlying cause is that the company has grown into a different maturity level – where “what got you here” no longer works.
To be clear, a monolithic codebase is usually the right way to go in the early stages of a company: there are a handful of developers, a manageable number of lines of code, and few features that are quick to test manually. Yet, at some point in the company’s growth, the nimbleness and expediency become a detriment rather than an asset. For example, it becomes cumbersome to develop, let alone release, when twenty-plus developers are writing code in a monolith: different developers’ new code interact with each other in a way that creates unforeseen bugs.
The underlying cause of the Monolith Syndrome is that the company has grown into a different maturity level, but not the technology team.
As a company battles through the Monolith Syndrome, the CEO and CTO have a heart-to-heart: the CEO asks “what do you need to develop new features faster?” – to which the CTO invariably answers “I need more engineers”, and then proceeds to build a “better monolith”, i.e continue to work on the same codebase with the same processes and tools. Yet with poor architecture, software organization, and documentation, the extra developers only create more confusion and barely accelerate development velocity. The root cause of this lack of progress is that the business side has gone through a change of paradigm, but not the technology team.
Again, this is why it is the CEO, who understands the business context, who needs to recognize the pattern.
The goal of the transformation is not to update to the latest and greatest technologies, but rather to identify the technologies most appropriate for the foreseeable needs of the business.
The Proper Mindset
Recognize that this effort is the “price of success”. Understand that current architecture, code, tools, etc. were not a mistake – no one deserves blame. On the contrary, they were optimal for the previous stage of maturity. Now that the business has grown, and evolved, technology also has to transform to a more mature architecture.
The goal of the transformation is not to update to the latest and greatest technologies, but rather to identify the technologies most appropriate for the foreseeable needs of the business.
The transformation will require a set of skills that is typically not present in-house. Rare are the CTOs who have successfully led digital transformations. Hence, it is usually wise to enlist the help of technical leaders who do have this experience.

SVSG’s Framework
Re-align the technology to the business: understand the main stakeholder journeys (customer and employee), which have likely evolved since the current architecture was designed.
Design the architecture – and data models – before coding, based on the new stakeholder experiences, as well as needs for scale, resilience, security, etc.
Incorporate the full business context such as scale, security, resiliency, etc.
Design an incremental migration path from the current state to the desired state. For example, start by breaking up the monolith by creating one additional microservice, validating its design before moving one to a second microservice.
Evangelize that the transformation goes beyond architecture and code. The whole development process, from end to end, must align with the company’s new stage of growth.
Final Thoughts
Digital transformations are rare events in the life of a company. Technology leaders are usually selected and trained to design and build technology incrementally. Unless you have gone through it before, detecting that your company might be experiencing the Monolith Syndrome is an unusual, and difficult, challenge for both CTOs and CEOs; but when the symptoms arise, it’s important to act swiftly if the business is to keep up with its growth.
Get in touch to learn how SVSG assesses digital transformation bottlenecks, designs digital blueprints, and leads transformation efforts.