For Companies

Solving mission critical tech challenges at Silicon Valley speed

We help business leaders address their most pressing business challenges

As CTO operators, we have first-hand experience of balancing the needs to address a business’ current quarter priorities with the imperative all companies face of innovating for tomorrow.

Our work with startups teaches us the art of the possible. Our work with mid-market enterprises grounds us in EBITDA. Together we bring a blend of both perspectives to our clients.

The SVSG Playbook

We have codified our approach to fixing urgent tech challenges and enabling growth. Take a page out of our playbook below.

Tech fire drills

When it has to be fixed yesterday

Tech outages

CTO/VP Engineering departure

Emergency product roadmap timeline recovery

Security breach

Tech for operational efficiency, productivity and cost reduction

When long term sustainability is the priority

Vendor migration for new executive

Optimizing technology vendor costs

Post M&A product roadmap alignment

Tech for growth enablement and revenue expansion

When capturing revenue is the top priority

Improving marketing, sales, and customer support with AI agents

Filling tech vacancies for growth

Strategic partnership integration

Accelerating product roadmap

Scaling tech to meet growth

Scaling professional service and system integration programs

Tech outages

You have developed internal technology that your business relies on to service your customers. You have been so focused on creating new revenue capabilities that you haven’t noticed the technical debt that has accumulated which is now making it difficult for your team to understand why your tech keeps breaking. You have now experienced a serious revenue impact that you need to diagnose and fix immediately.

Request Playbook to learn:

Where the most common breaking points are in your tech stack

A checklist of diagnostic measures for root cause analysis

Performance benchmarks to compare yourself against

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CTO/VP Engineering departure

Your CTO or VP of Engineering has unexpectedly left the company and the rest of the C-suite lacks the technical expertise to effectively guide the engineering team through this transition. You’re concerned about potential ripple effects on team morale and productivity, as well as your ability to continue innovating and meeting customer needs. The pressure to find a suitable replacement is mounting, but attracting top talent in a competitive market is proving challenging.

Request Playbook to learn:

A checklist of what to document before they leave

Techniques for distributing roles around the engineering org

A timeline of key events to monitor as you find your replacement hire

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Emergency product roadmap timeline recovery

You have promised deadlines to internal and external stakeholders but you are behind on your roadmap and your engineering contractors are consistently delivering late, buggy code. Product and engineering leaders say they need more resources but you don’t want more of the same issues. You need a high performance engineering team who can onboard fast and accelerate your roadmap, no matter how complicated.

Request Playbook to learn:

Where the most common bottlenecks occur in product development timelines

A checklist of emergency measures for rapidly assessing and reprioritizing product features

Performance benchmarks to compare your product development velocity against industry standards

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Security breach

Your company has just discovered a significant security breach affecting your systems and potentially compromising sensitive customer data. The full extent of the breach is still unknown, causing widespread panic within your organization. Customer trust is rapidly eroding as news of the breach spreads, leading to potential account cancellations and reputational damage. Your team lacks the specialized cybersecurity expertise needed to effectively respond to and recover from an attack of this magnitude. You need to act quickly to address the breach, implement stronger security measures, and mitigate fallout.

Request Playbook to learn:

The most common security vulnerabilities

An incident response plan checklist for various types of cyber attacks

Best practices for post-breach damage assessment and data recovery

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Vendor migration for new executive

A new executive has joined your company and is pushing for a migration to a new set of vendors for critical business systems. This transition involves moving away from long-standing partnerships and technologies that your team is familiar with. The migration process is proving more complex than anticipated, with unexpected compatibility issues and data transfer challenges. Your team is struggling to maintain day-to-day operations while managing the migration. There’s growing concern about potential disruptions to business continuity and the steep learning curve associated with the new systems. Employees are resistant to the change, and you’re experiencing delays in implementation timelines. The pressure to successfully complete the migration while minimizing business impact is intensifying.

Request Playbook to learn:

Where the most common pitfalls occur during vendor migrations in enterprise environments

A checklist of critical factors to assess when planning and executing a major vendor transition

Performance benchmarks to compare your migration process and outcomes against industry standards

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Optimizing technology vendor costs

Your company’s technology costs have been escalating due to recent growth and increased reliance on various software and cloud services. Your CFO is pushing for significant cost reductions, but your team is unsure how to optimize vendor contracts without compromising critical functionalities. You’re struggling to get a clear picture of all your technology subscriptions and their utilization rates across different departments. Negotiations with vendors are challenging due to limited visibility into market rates and best practices. You The pressure to reduce costs while maintaining or improving technological capabilities is mounting, and your team lacks experience in strategic vendor management and cost optimization techniques.

Request Playbook to learn:

Where the most common areas of overspending occur in technology vendor contracts

A checklist of key metrics and factors to assess when evaluating technology vendor costs

Performance benchmarks to compare your technology spend against industry standards

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Post M&A product roadmap alignment

Your company has recently completed an acquisition, and now you’re facing the challenge of aligning disparate product roadmaps. The newly combined organization has overlapping products, conflicting priorities, and different development methodologies. Teams from both companies are struggling to collaborate effectively, leading to delays in product releases and feature updates. There’s confusion among customers about the future direction of various products, causing uncertainty and potential churn. Internal stakeholders are pushing for quick wins to justify the M&A, while your team is grappling with technical debt and integration challenges. The urgency to create a cohesive, forward-looking product strategy that leverages the strengths of both organizations is mounting, but your team lacks experience in post-M&A product integration.

Request Playbook to learn:

Techniques for aligning product vision with market demands and company goals

Our framework for calculating feature impact and prioritizing the product backlog

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Improving marketing, sales, and customer support with AI agents

You have been piloting AI use cases for your customer facing operations and are struggling to get meaningful results. Your generative AI solution is unreliable and requires your staff to closely monitor the results. You are excited about the possibilities of using AI agents to completely automate tasks but you are unsure what is possible with today’s technology.

Request Playbook to learn:

Five levels of AI autonomy to plan your AI deployment roadmap

Example use cases that AI agents can solve

Leading AI tools and vendors to create your AI agents

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Filling tech vacancies for growth

Your company is growing, but you’re struggling to fill critical tech positions to keep pace with demand. Key roles remain vacant for extended periods, putting strain on your existing team and slowing down important projects. The competitive job market makes it challenging to attract top talent, and your current recruitment processes seem ineffective. The gaps in your team are leading to missed deadlines, decreased productivity, and potential loss of market share to competitors who are better staffed.

Request Playbook to learn:

Recruitment strategies rank ordered by effectiveness

Checklist of what tech talent will look for before applying

Benchmarks for the hiring timelines across various tech roles

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Strategic partnership integration

You have secured a strategic partnership that has the potential to significantly increase your revenues, but in order to capture this opportunity you need to successfully integrate your solution with partner who is a much larger enterprise. Their CIO is asking questions about APIs and SLAs and you need a tech counterpart on your team who can button up your responses.

Request Playbook to learn:

Common integration points and technology dependencies

Checklist of CIO requirements

Timeline of a successful integration

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Accelerating product roadmap

Your product development has hit a roadblock. Key milestones are being missed, and the gap between your product and market demands is widening. Internal disagreements about priorities and resource allocation are causing delays and team friction. Your competitors are outpacing you with innovative offerings, and customer churn is increasing due to unmet expectations. The pressure to revitalize your product development process and catch up with market needs is rising, but your team seems stuck in a cycle of indecision and inefficiency.

Request Playbook to learn:

Techniques for aligning product vision with market demands and company goals

Strategies for prioritizing features and managing the product backlog effectively

Best practices for agile product development and iterative delivery

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Scaling tech to meet growth

You just hit a growth spurt due to a successful product launch, strategic partnership, or capital infusion and now your tech needs to keep up with demand. You are experiencing intermittent downtime which is leading to lost customers. Your team is constantly firefighting, and you lack the in-house expertise needed to upgrade your tech for this next phase of growth.

Request Playbook to learn:

Where the most common breaking points are in your tech stack

A checklist of diagnostic measures for root cause analysis

Performance benchmarks to compare yourself against

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Scaling professional service and system integration programs

Your professional services and system integration programs are experiencing rapid growth due to increased demand for your SaaS product. However, your team is struggling to scale operations effectively. Project timelines are slipping, and quality issues are emerging as you take on more complex integrations. Your current processes and tools are proving inadequate for managing the increased volume and complexity of projects. Resource allocation is becoming a challenge, with key personnel consistently overextended. Client satisfaction is starting to decline as delays and miscommunications become more frequent. Your team lacks the experience to efficiently scale these programs while maintaining high standards of service delivery.

Request Playbook to learn:

Where the most common bottlenecks occur when scaling professional services and system integration programs

Performance benchmarks to compare your service delivery against industry standards

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