For Investors

Benchmark your investments against Silicon Valley tech

We work with investors to drive value creation through digital technologies

SVSG is a group of business minded technologists. We bring our 200+ years of combined experiences to PE/VC investors from the earliest stages of a deal when the investor is formulating their thesis, all of the way through value creation when the company is expected to deliver on its digital promise.

The SVSG investment playbook

We have codified our experiences into a framework for evaluating data, technologies, products and teams in order to de-risk investments and maximize value creation for your portfolio.


Due diligence is only useful if the premises of the investment thesis are sound.  Before a term sheet is issued, it is critical to have a firm understanding of where the value in a target investment resides.  We translate technical jargon into business implications, allowing investors to determine if an offer makes sense and to negotiate equitable terms.

Common scenarios


You asked a simple question and received impressive sounding acronyms from the tech leaders.


You received a competitive feature matrix but can’t tell how biased it is, or if the criteria are even the right comparisons.


A company is advertising future upside from technology improvements that are underway.

Questions we’ll answer

How credible are the claims in their pitch deck/website/whitepaper?
What are the latest tools that the company could use to improve revenue and streamline costs?
What are digital first competitors doing that the company could replicate?

Technology due diligence

Once a term sheet is established, there is a narrow time interval to conduct final diligence. The investor now has access to a myriad of artifacts that need to be evaluated in short order. Given the time constraints, it is critical that the right questions are being asked.

Common scenarios

The value of the acquisition is highly dependent on the speed at which the target’s products can be integrated into the parent company’s product line.
The acquisition will result in a dramatic increase in volume for the target, and its unclear if their technology can meet the demand.
The technical artifacts have little to no documentation, or the target company drags out access to the code repository.

Questions we’ll answer

What is the quality of the codebase and architecture?
Where are the single points of failure that could derail the business plan?
What will be required to maintain and operate the assets?

CTO advisory

Technology is disrupting every industry, and as such we get called in to address a variety of needs that arise in the day-to-day operations of a business. Reach out if any of the following scenarios happen at one of your companies.

Common scenarios

A product or engineering leader is leaving on short notice and you need a proven set of hands.
You need an outside opinion on a build vs buy decision.

The product release dates keep falling behind schedule and no one can explain why.

Questions we’ll answer


How can we stabilize the tech team and maintain momentum during leadership transitions?


Should we build a solution in-house or integrate an existing platform?


What technical improvements are necessary to scale and avoid operational disruptions?

CPO advisory

Product strategy is the backbone of business success, yet many companies struggle with focus, alignment, and execution. Whether refining a roadmap, navigating post-investment expectations, or integrating after an acquisition, we help teams make data-driven decisions that maximize revenue and growth. Reach out if any of the following scenarios sound familiar.

Common scenarios


Your product roadmap lacks focus, leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities.


Post-investment, you need a clear product strategy that aligns with revenue growth goals.


After an acquisition, you need to align product teams and roadmaps for maximum synergy.

Questions we’ll answer


How do we prioritize product features to maximize ROI and market fit?


What’s the most effective product strategy for achieving investor expectations and growth?


How can we integrate product teams and align roadmaps after an acquisition?