Technical Debt comes from multiple sources, not just from code written too quickly, but also from natural causes such as a UX paradigm that becomes dated, or an architecture that can no longer support traffic that has grown 10x since its design. This whitepaper examines the various origins of technical debt, presents how to analyze […]

The success of a venture-backed company usually depends on two main factors: its technical innovation and the velocity with which it introduces new products. In order to sustain these competitive advantages throughout their growth, companies must ensure that the delicate relationship between the CEO and the CTO is effective.

After participating in dozens of TDD projects, I’ve learned that there are many ways to solve a technical challenge — including using frameworks or programming languages that I personally wouldn’t touch. It is thus critical to put aside one’s own ideas of technical purity and “the right way of doing things” during TDD and to have an open mind about how technology can be used.

Bernard Fraenkel, SVSG Practice Lead, explains the process of technical due diligence, a key step in the technology company investment cycle. Bernard has led engineering teams of all sizes for over 30 years in Silicon Valley and around the world, and has overseen more than a dozen due diligence assessments.